Writing In Higher Dimensions [13:52]
Writing In Higher Dimensions submitted by /u/HallucinatedLottoNos
Writing In Higher Dimensions submitted by /u/HallucinatedLottoNos
On Writing New Stories B asked on I Just Republished My Book: “Would you ever consider adding to the book any new stories//events//experiences that have happened since you first wrote it?” Well, it didn’t happen that way. I just started writing stories, in an … Read More…
Things That Count as Writing Jotting down some ideas? That counts as writing, since brainstorming is an essential part of the writing process. Taking a shower or bath? That’s letting your unconscious brain do some work, so it definitely counts as writing. A long walk? Yes, same as above, totally counts as writing. Attempting to locate a pen that actually writes? That’s pre-…
What to Do When You’re Accused of Writing With AI According to a recent survey from intelligent.com, a third of college undergraduates surveyed admitted to using ChatGPT on their academic work in the last year. According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, about 28% of workers report having used the AI tool as well. This can be disastrous in a professional setting—AI is often… Read more…