
The Thick Of It is hilarious

( www.reddit.com )

The Thick Of It is hilarious The dialogue contains some of the most creative insults I’ve ever heard. Some of the most eloquent swearing ever put to screen. As a non-Brit, some of the references go over my head, but the schadenfreude from watching bumbling politicians is universal. If you liked Succession, you’ll like this show, its the same type of humor (although much lig…

Reddit Television 844 2024-11-07

thick or thin eyebrows

( www.reddit.com )

thick or thin eyebrows First and second pics are my “thick” eyebrows. These are the most recent pictures I have, other 3 were taken when i overplucked my brows so they were more thin for a while. Just curious on how it looks on me 🙂 submitted by /u/Weird_Spite_2320

Reddit Makeup Addiction 650 2024-06-30

Thick or thin brows??

( www.reddit.com )

Thick or thin brows?? Hey guys! Just wanted to see your view point. Do you like the thick or thin brows better? I’m kinda liking the thicker brows on me. None of the pictures are filtered. submitted by /u/arrowhead_2

Reddit Makeup Addiction 1.1k 2024-04-24

Mattress Too Thick?

( www.reddit.com )

Mattress Too Thick? I’m going to build a 6″ tall platform bed … something like this: https://www.templeandwebster.com.au/Natural-Monty-Premium-Wooden-Bed-Base-TMPL4100.html But I’m wondering if a 12″ king size mattress will look too top heavy versus a 10″ mattress. I know I’m overthinking this. submitted by /u/BeckerHollow

Reddit Interior Design 516 2023-12-13

can’t decide whether i want thick or thin brows 😩

( www.reddit.com )

can’t decide whether i want thick or thin brows 😩 i genuinely can’t figure out what my face shape is & what looks better :(( I had super thick brows and i started shaving them to get them more arched but i’m at a crossroads now! thin brows are in atm but obviously i’ve no desire to do something that doesn’t suit me.. Last pic is the most recent of the three! submitted by /u/bleachissourw…

Reddit Makeup Addiction 204 2023-09-06