When to Study With ‘Blocked Practice’ (and When Not to)
When to Study With ‘Blocked Practice’ (and When Not to) Blocked practice is a fancy term for “cramming”—and it has its benefits.
How would you improve my study?
How would you improve my study? submitted by /u/mustafarian
How to Study in a Group (If You Must)
How to Study in a Group (If You Must) Study groups abound in college, but they’re not always the most efficient way to learn. They can easily devolve into pure social events—or weaker group members can hold everyone else back. This isn’t to say, however, that there aren’t ways to make them work. In the event you have to be in one (or choose to), here are… Read more…
Use the Leitner System to Study More Effectively
Use the Leitner System to Study More Effectively Diversifying your studying techniques is a great way to keep yourself more engaged as you learn new information—so try the Leitner system next time you tackle a new subject. This memory-enhancing method is best for when you have a substantial amount of time to learn your material, so don’t use it for cramming, but do… Read more…
LPT Request: How should I study?
LPT Request: How should I study? How do I study effectively? I’m in my mid-late 20s (not sure if she has anything to do with this), and I’m currently studying for a certification exam, which is a completely new subject area to my undergrad studies. I’ve found that it’s really hard for me to study effectively? Like I can read the materials, and probably remember it for a couple…