The Political Stories We’re Watching
The Political Stories We’re Watching The nation’s politics are going to change in President Trump’s second term — though we don’t yet know how.
The Political Stories We’re Watching The nation’s politics are going to change in President Trump’s second term — though we don’t yet know how.
40K Stories of The Imperial Guard submitted by /u/nlitherl
3 Terrifying Stalker Stories submitted by /u/AZtoggery
How can I reach more of my followers through stories? I have 310k followers but only reach about 2.5k on my stories. Sometimes I’ll get like 7-8k but it’s very rare. I’ve been posting like 5 stories daily. My reach is 100mill per month so it’s weird to me that that amount + my current following are barely clicking my stories. submitted by /u/Various-Cut-1070
The top 5 Vatican stories from 2024 (RNS) — This was the year Francis tried to hold the tension between progressives and conservatives in the church. The post The top 5 Vatican stories from 2024 appeared first on RNS.
how can i automatically cross post IG stories to whatsapp stories? see title submitted by /u/947116
These Are Your Worst Mechanic Stories We asked our readers earlier this week to share their worst experiences with a mechanic. The responses featured independent shops, manufacturer service centers and a few confessions of incompetence. Beyond the thread of botched repair, there were also plenty of mechanics who squeezed every dollar they could out of… Read more…
What Are Your Worst Mechanic Stories? Very few people ever look forward to taking their car to a mechanic. No matter what you do, you’ll probably have to take your car for a dreaded trip to a garage to see a mechanic. We all worry that the garage will overcharge for service, and it could admittedly be even worse than that. The mechanic could fail to fix… Read more…
True Stories I just received, Frederick Woodruff’s newsletter, where he talked me up in relation to the Rage of Aquarius podcast. I was happy and flattered! He mentioned my storytelling. I don’t think he’s read any of my stories so I put these up and sent him links. If you want to read something true and original Source
Do you post stories during your events or after? Are you the type of person that posts what is happening right when it is happening or wait until the day or event is over to post about it? I’m usually the type to wait til the end of the day but I know alot of people who post throughout the their day or events. submitted by /u/NewspaperMental8553
Hit me with some success stories I just started working on my first e-commerce store with Shopify and I need to hear to some stories of people who have made it happen to use as inspiration to make this work. I love the idea of being an entrepreneur working absurd amounts of hours to achieve something if it’s worth it I just need to hear some motivation. submitted by /u/p…
On Writing New Stories B asked on I Just Republished My Book: “Would you ever consider adding to the book any new stories//events//experiences that have happened since you first wrote it?” Well, it didn’t happen that way. I just started writing stories, in an … Read More…
What Are Your Road Trip Horror Stories? I was never big on road trips. Mostly because anytime I went on one, I was always the one that everybody looked to to do all the driving. That sort of changed as I got older, but for the most part I tend to steer clear of them. One horrible road trip taken just over a decade ago is the reason why. Read more…
Why aren’t there more union stories onscreen? : It’s Been a Minute – a conversation on the abundance and appeal of stories about the ultra-wealthy and dearth of stories about unions and collective action. Also, do superhero shows and police dramas discourage collective action? submitted by /u/BalsamicBasil
Advertising success stories Hey friends! I’m trying paid marketing again and I’d love to hear your stories of success, even if it wasn’t super linear. submitted by /u/OptimistPrime527
How to tell “travel stories”? I work a job where I work one on one with clients and there’s a lot of talking and storytelling, so whenever I travel, when I come back they always ask me you know how was such and such place. And I’m usually so good with my storytelling in my job, but for some reason talking about my travel experience is really challenging. Travel for me comes …
These Are Your Worst Taxi/Rideshare Horror Stories Earlier this week, I asked readers for their worst taxi/rideshare trips stories. I honestly didn’t know how awful those rides could get. One former driver recalled when he was involved in a gunfight. Someone else shared when their driver went rogue and drove on a sidewalk. Here are the worst of the worst readers had… Read more…
What Are Your Worst Taxi/Rideshare Horror Stories? We’ve all been in a situation where we needed a ride, like a night out was too intense to step behind the wheel to get home responsibly. While taking a taxi has always been an option in most towns, rideshare apps like Lyft and Uber have made getting a ride more convenient than ever before. Though, it has lowered the… Read more…