
LPT Request: how to stop being absolutely terrified by spiders?

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LPT Request: how to stop being absolutely terrified by spiders? How can I stop being so scared of spiders? From small ones, to big horrible spiders, I get spiders every other day through my windows. I can’t kill them, too scared. I use Raid, and spray them until they die. I scream for hours before I am able to clean them up. I absolutely lose it every time I see them. submitted by /u/aabbccddeeff59395…

Life Pro Tips 110 2023-09-03

LPT REQUEST: how do I stop vagrants using my carport as a restroom?

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LPT REQUEST: how do I stop vagrants using my carport as a restroom? I live in Culver City Los Angeles and unfortunately the apartment parking lot is a carport exposed to the alley. It doesn’t help the dumpster sits unsecured right next to it. The last month I’ve noticed an insane uptick in the mess that homeless people are leaving, specially feces smeared clothing/towels and douche bags. Despite the dumpster bei…

Life Pro Tips 215 2023-09-02

LPT Request: How to not be a charisma vacuum?

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LPT Request: How to not be a charisma vacuum? I’ve been going to a couple functions lately and I am really reserved. I try to be outgoing with a few people instead of a big group. I don’t click with people. I wanna change that submitted by /u/Glittering-Sun-4080

Life Pro Tips 168 2023-08-31

LPT Request : How to hate without suffering?

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LPT Request : How to hate without suffering? I have a person in my social group who I hate. He is the kind of person who would do anything to ruin my reputation if he found out about my hatred. So, I do what a rational person would do: I simply hide my hatred. But everything has a cost, and over time I feel the burden of it weighing on me. I feel like I’m not myself anymore. I’m also a pas…

Life Pro Tips 151 2023-08-30

LPT request: writing goals down but not working on them

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LPT request: writing goals down but not working on them I’m not sure if it’s procrastination confusion not understanding what to do or should I do it. It seems like lot of thoughts run at the same time but I write down goals and things I need to work on but I’m not actually doing it and I don’t understand why. submitted by /u/Akashh23_pop

Life Pro Tips 122 2023-08-29

LPT REQUEST : how to handle sharing a single shower with your unhygienic siblings

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LPT REQUEST : how to handle sharing a single shower with your unhygienic siblings Kinda like the title, I (20f) always had my own shower and wc space however due to some life events I should now share one with my 2 pretty unhygienic brothers as well as my father. Whenever I shower now I cant help but suspect how dirty the walls or towel might be as well as focus on every little stain. submitted by /u/scostalraft

Life Pro Tips 197 2023-08-27

LPT Request: How do I rest efficiently?

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LPT Request: How do I rest efficiently? Lot of the times, the weekend isn’t enough for me. I don’t know if I’m being lazy, or what, but I just can’t work. I always feel like I need more time off. So how do I rest efficiently, and get back to work? submitted by /u/Ishgar4

Life Pro Tips 129 2023-08-27

LPT Request: How to switch off from work?

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LPT Request: How to switch off from work? How do I switch off from work? I’m a freelancer in theatre production. I can never stop thinking about work. It’s driving me round the bend and having a bad impact on my personal life. My partner is going crazy and I agree with them it’s a problem. I just can’t seem to stop. Please help! submitted by /u/Northern_Monki

Life Pro Tips 86 2023-08-27

LPT Request : Things / Skills to learn.

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LPT Request : Things / Skills to learn. So, I have a lot of free time due to nature of my job and wondering what can i do best in my free time. Figured might as well learn skills or something new, so asking help from people in here. Thanks. submitted by /u/Level_Ad_1864

Life Pro Tips 149 2023-08-26

LPT Request: How to not place your self value in your work?

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LPT Request: How to not place your self value in your work? Not sure how to phrase it but I had a deliverable at work that I was 6/10 proud of as I thought it was decent and it was on a really tight deadline. Today we had a team meeting where the other 5 people tore it apart and pointed out every single floor for an hour (big document). It was all constructive and fair but I couldn’t help feeling a lil w…

Life Pro Tips 163 2023-08-26

LPT Request: How do you stand up for yourself without shouting or screaming

( www.reddit.com )

LPT Request: How do you stand up for yourself without shouting or screaming So I’m a very quiet and non-confrontational person and I find it very hard to stand up for myself in general. It doesn’t help that I sound very timid when I’m talking to certain people and I have an extreme fear of people disliking me. So I’m very worried I’ll be easily taken advantage of in the future at this company I’ve been working at for a …

Life Pro Tips 128 2023-08-26

LPT Request: How can I learn to speak slowly?

( www.reddit.com )

LPT Request: How can I learn to speak slowly? I have a deep voice when I speak slowly, and I really like that about me. However, in conversations, and more so when I’m giving advice, my voice tends to speed up quite easily. The problem is, I often speak too quickly, to the point where I do not articulate properly anymore and where I speak in a higher voice. How can I constantly remind mysel…

Life Pro Tips 215 2023-08-25

LPT Request: Comfortable Server Uniform

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LPT Request: Comfortable Server Uniform Hello! I am a server and i bought some black dress pants and shirt and they are just so uncomfortable. I feel like the shirt fabric is too thick or stiff and the pants just fit too tight even though they are my size. Is there any where i can get better clothing? submitted by /u/wetpeachyangel

Life Pro Tips 126 2023-08-25

LPT Request: How do I stop daydreaming?

( www.reddit.com )

LPT Request: How do I stop daydreaming? Daydreaming has become an addiction to a level where my important tasks are left undone. I have so much to learn about my career and I want to move ahead in my life by learning new skills. I have ample time after work in which I can learn new skills but my addiction of daydreaming isn’t letting me. How do I get rid of this addiction? submitt…

Life Pro Tips 171 2023-08-24

LPT Request: How do you leave something wrong?

( www.reddit.com )

LPT Request: How do you leave something wrong? How do you walk away from something and leave it wrong? I’ve been in an abusive relationship for a year now and it just ended with him screaming “fuck you”, hanging up, and then blocking me. I realize there is nothing I can do to change his abusive behaviour and I understand I need to stay away from him… I just need advice on how to leave the si…

Life Pro Tips 126 2023-08-24

LPT Request: How to be More Well Spoken

( www.reddit.com )

LPT Request: How to be More Well Spoken I’ve never enjoyed talking very much. Word sequences don’t come easily to me and I would love to try and be more interesting with my wording rather than constantly giving summarized bullet-points. Trying to get me to talk about my day in more than 2 sentences is like pulling teeth. The pressure of trying to hold someones attention long enough to…

Life Pro Tips 186 2023-08-23

LPT request: How to be ok with being single?

( www.reddit.com )

LPT request: How to be ok with being single? I am 40. I have been single since 2011. I constantly fantasize about being in a relationship but the fantasy sounds better than the reality. I don’t like having to give up my independence. However, every time I hear a love song, I feel like I need to be in a relationship. I also feel like there is so much pressure to be in a relationship. I kind…

Life Pro Tips 153 2023-08-23

LPT REQUEST: How to stop being socially awkward

( www.reddit.com )

LPT REQUEST: How to stop being socially awkward Im the most confindence socially awkward person alive. I have no problems going up to people, starting conversations, doing stuff, joining clubs, but the problem is I just cannot handle insults(get overly angry) and i am not good at conversation with people I don’t know. All i want is to be able to have real connections with people submitted…

Life Pro Tips 185 2023-08-23

LPT request: toning and fasting

( www.reddit.com )

LPT request: toning and fasting I am trying to cut fat but tone up too. I have been doing intermittent fasting, workout with mainly cardio and some toning, then eat a couple meals. Is it better for me to workout more (with two workouts) if it means I won’t be able to fast that much? submitted by /u/Fun-Cryptographer716

Life Pro Tips 151 2023-08-23

LPT request: Allergies

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LPT request: Allergies Every single morning for the first 2 or 3 hours I have very bad allergies. After that it calms down a little bit. Either way I am always sneezing and congested. I have an air purifier at home running 24/7 right beside my bed, I think it helped but I still dont know what causes it. What should I do to prevent this? submitted by /u/VerysXZ …

Life Pro Tips 169 2023-08-23