
Quantum Leap 2022 season 3

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Quantum Leap 2022 season 3 With learning that the series was canceled after two seasons will whatever scripts that were written if any be released? It seems that most of the good tv nowadays gets canceled before it tells its story. What would be a similar series with new episodes? submitted by /u/tvacnaar

Reddit Television 1.1k 2024-11-18

How’s the new quantum leap?

( www.reddit.com )

How’s the new quantum leap? As background, I’ve never seen tye old version, but want a Sci fi show that’s some fun entertainment. What are your thoughts on it so far? What’s it doing right and what’s it doing wrong? I did see that season 2 only got 13 episodes…is it in danger of being canceled? One other thing I noticed his based on some glancing on Wikipedia he goes to …

Reddit Television 1.3k 2024-01-04

Quantum Leap remains surprisingly watchable.

( www.reddit.com )

Quantum Leap remains surprisingly watchable. I recently started to rewatch Quantum Leap (late ’80s-early ’90s TV series). I saw it available on SkyShowtime (The Paramount/Universal streaming service in Europe), remembered that I liked it, and gave it a try. The production doesn’t look as polished as modern series, but it seems they shot it on film, so it is in HD. However, the stories are …

Reddit Television 1.1k 2023-10-14