my prettiest makeup. what do u think?
my prettiest makeup. what do u think? submitted by /u/Lanameowru
my prettiest makeup. what do u think? submitted by /u/Lanameowru
This is the prettiest palette/quad i own! KALEIDOS QUAD PALETTE IN GLOWING IRIS The packaging is so beautiful it’s covered in this velvety plush fabric it just feels heavy and luxury i love her (Yesstyle rant) i order this while it was in-stock estimated shipping time was 3-5 days. I payed double the price of the quad for express shipping. 25 days later it was still stuck in processing…
What’s the Prettiest National Park in the United States? I’ve been to quite a few national parks in my lifetime. The one I’ve visited most frequently is Great Smoky Mountains, but I wouldn’t say they’re the prettiest or my favorite. They just happen to be the closest big National Park to wear I live. Last week my family and I visited Yellowstone and Grand Teton. Yellowstone was cool and fun, but Grand…
I feel prettiest with a thin brow! Lips: LA Colors Lip Duo Vibe Eyebrows: LA Colors Eyebrow Pomade Eyes: LA Colors Eyeshadow Moonflower, LA Colors Curve Mascara submitted by /u/Booklover16