
Short Conversations with Poets: Safiya Sinclair

( www.mcsweeneys.net )

Short Conversations with Poets: Safiya Sinclair If your encounter with these poems is anything like mine, the first thing you might experience is pure music: the thick stunning gorgeous sound at work in Safiya Sinclair’s writing. And then almost at the same time you might realize that the poems, which are often layerings of elaborations, lists, and collations, are also telling stories, making…

McSweenys 903 2024-02-23

Short Conversations with Poets: Robyn Schiff

( www.mcsweeneys.net )

Short Conversations with Poets: Robyn Schiff Robyn Schiff’s work has long demonstrated that American poetry can be both ornamental and discursive, both formally inventive and intimate. But the intimacy, in her latest, is woven more explicitly—and even more movingly—into the history and science that have long been the stuff of her métier. Information Desk is described as an epic. It takes i…

McSweenys 1.3k 2023-12-30

Short Conversations with Poets: Timothy Donnelly

( www.mcsweeneys.net )

Short Conversations with Poets: Timothy Donnelly Timothy Donnelly’s new book, Chariot, is a genius sweep of quatrains—almost all of them consist of five stanzas, long-lined, sheer music. Donnelly’s sensibility has always gathered its strength at the point where essay and lyric meet, where philosophy shades into beautiful brilliant torsion-rich talk, something you might dream of hearing at a dr…

McSweenys 284 2023-09-01

Short Conversations with Poets: Jeffrey Yang

( www.mcsweeneys.net )

Short Conversations with Poets: Jeffrey Yang Jeffrey Yang’s latest book is Line and Light, a title that rhymes in a way with the title of his second collection, Vanishing-Line. Line and Light, his fourth full-length work, is sprawling, vast, like a city of poetry. It’s composed of five sections, all of them serial in form or spirit. The first and most ambitious, “Langkasuka,” spans sixty-t…

McSweenys 176 2023-08-16

Short Conversations with Poets: Paisley Rekdal

( www.mcsweeneys.net )

Short Conversations with Poets: Paisley Rekdal Paisley Rekdal’s work is urban, the poetry an explosion of language, the ranging cast of mind in the spirit of Albert Goldbarth or Linda Gregerson. Like these poets her lines are made of long hypotactic sentences, linking image and language on a string of wondrous beads, leaping in and through those long lines like C. K. Williams. Rekdal infuses…

McSweenys 353 2023-07-04