why women’s pockets are useless [24:57]
why women’s pockets are useless submitted by /u/RideFastGetWeird
why women’s pockets are useless submitted by /u/RideFastGetWeird
How to Survive the Wilderness with Only the Stuff You Have in Your Pockets Learn to make a compass with a stick and a fire with your hand sanitizer.
Level Up Your Productivity With ‘Time Pockets’ Even when you’re timeboxing your whole day, you’ll notice you end up with a few random pockets of time sprinkled throughout your schedule. If you don’t have a plan for what to do with these, they’ll become super unproductive, so start thinking of how you can maximize your productivity with “time pockets.” Read more…
LPT: Take your hands out of your pockets when taking the stairs Better to hit the ground with your hands than with your face. (Also known as the thought that went through my head when I last stumbled with my hands in my coat pockets) submitted by /u/chgwh