Watercolor painting of my studio in the evening
Watercolor painting of my studio in the evening submitted by /u/CaterinaWatercolors
Watercolor painting of my studio in the evening submitted by /u/CaterinaWatercolors
Suggestions on painting cabinets? Cabinets are kinda gross since we’ve moved in. There are a lot of “wood” highlights throughout the house. Considering painting all of the cabinets and possibly replacing counters with solid granite or something simple (maybe light grey to match the floor a bit). Appliances will be replaced with stainless steel. (Thanks!) also, walls will likely …
I’m painting the house. The kitchen will be painted sage green, the living room with be painted either dark forest green or Navy blue. They are connected by the dining room, which is currently white with this awful wood paneling. I can’t figure out what to paint this room to complement the other two, I was thinking a cream or beige color? Should I rip out the paneling?…
Light Painting Toolset I was wondering if there are any tricks that people have used to create a light painting tool, sort of like a lightsaber or small tube tool. Share any below! submitted by /u/VenomClashOfClans
A quiet afternoon painting. submitted by /u/borkboye_
An Artist Whose Language Is Painting Christina Quarles discusses representation, trades and protein shakes.