
How to Overwinter Your Tomato Plants

( lifehacker.com )

How to Overwinter Your Tomato Plants The true measure of any home gardener is their first tomato. Not just any tomato, but one of those giant heirloom slicers, which they will display with smug self satisfaction over social media. The earlier in the summer, the better, which leads gardeners to do all kinds of wacky things to get bigger plants in the… Read more…

Lifehacker 237 2023-09-16

How to Overwinter Your Pepper Plants

( lifehacker.com )

How to Overwinter Your Pepper Plants One of the pains of gardening is that with annual vegetables, you have to start over each year. Sure, you move forward with the accumulated knowledge of gardening years past, but you still have to grow a seed from scratch and nurse it along until it’s mature enough to produce vegetables. For peppers, this can be tortur… Read more…

Lifehacker 207 2023-09-16