
Overthinking backdoor roth?

( www.reddit.com )

Overthinking backdoor roth? 1) After spending a lot of time reading various sources on backdoor roth to make sure I’m understanding it, I am 99.9% sure that, provided all contributions made to the traditional IRA aren’t initially deducted, and assuming no gains on the initial contributions (say I just add the funds to the trad IRA, don’t invest in anything, immediately con…

Reddit Personal Finance 1.1k 2025-02-07

Overthinking car purchase

( www.reddit.com )

Overthinking car purchase Can’t stop but feeling anxiety/dread the day before and after car purchase. The car I had before I knew really needed to go, it had around $9-$10k in repairs and was only valued at $5k and a huge liability. In my mind, I knew was financially sound to purchase the car but can’t stop overthinking of things like “I could have went this car, or colo…

Reddit Personal Finance 1.2k 2024-07-23

Have we been overthinking EV sounds?

( www.theverge.com )

Have we been overthinking EV sounds? Photo by Spencer Platt / Getty ImagesFor years, automakers have been fussing over the sounds emitted by their electric vehicles, trying to tune them in a way that both presents as futuristic while also not alienating to people who are used to the rev of a four-cylinder engine. They seem to have settled on a series of sounds that could best be d…

The Verge 1.2k 2024-06-21

Am I overthinking what to do with my finances?

( www.reddit.com )

Am I overthinking what to do with my finances? I’m currently 21 y.o. and this will sound silly for someone my age, but I feel stuck right now and don’t know what to do with my extra $. I make 40k a year. I’m debt free besides my remaining balance on my braces (about $1.8k, 0% interest) My employer pays for my college tuition. My “net worth” is just a bit over 100k. A simple breakdown is $15k…

Reddit Personal Finance 1.0k 2024-04-14

Prime Lens vs. Standard Zoom for Varied Photography Interests – Overthinking or Just G.A.S?

( www.reddit.com )

Prime Lens vs. Standard Zoom for Varied Photography Interests – Overthinking or Just G.A.S? Hello fellow photography enthusiasts! I’m an avid hobbyist photographer with a keen interest in street photography. Alongside that, I love capturing moments with my family, documenting my travels, and the beauty of landscapes. My go-to lens is a 23mm f/1.4 prime for my APS-C camera, which is the latest and best from my camera manufacturer. The p…

Ask Photography 823 2024-01-26

How to layout this sitting room/lounge?? Am I overthinking it?

( www.reddit.com )

How to layout this sitting room/lounge?? Am I overthinking it? I cannot make a single decision about this sitting room/lounge. It’s an ‘L’ shape. Both lengths are very narrow at only 255cm wide. There are french doors in one corner and interior double doors at the entrance. I’m finding it so awkward. This room will only be used for watching TV – which will be mounted on a wall. But I cannot even decide wher…

Reddit Interior Design 1.2k 2023-11-15

LPT request: Overthinking & worrying prevents me from being productive.

( www.reddit.com )

LPT request: Overthinking & worrying prevents me from being productive. Do you ever feel like you want to do something and even you hear and feel this inner voice that “do something” “stop sitting around and get up” “you’ll regret one day” I’ve been feeling this way for a long time lately, but I’m not truly understanding what’s the root cause of all this mess in my head. Is it fear anxiety overthinking regrets fail…

Life Pro Tips 180 2023-08-12

Am i overthinking this?

( www.reddit.com )

Am i overthinking this? I am 24M have been with my SO of 6 years being 23F. So for starters I have a base salary of around 53k and depending on sales 16k-20k in commission depending on the year. So roughly 70k a year. My own an apartment building that pulls in $1800 a month and the mortgage and expenses come out to be $850. My SO makes roughly 35k but i will not be inc…

Reddit Personal Finance 164 2023-08-07

Am I overthinking the risk of a chargeback?

( www.reddit.com )

Am I overthinking the risk of a chargeback? I’ve recently started a refurbished gaming PC company. I’m starting to get orders and one stood out to me as suspicious. It is my biggest order ($2,500 when most are around $1,300-$1,800). The email address does not have any correlation with the name of the customer. I looked up the address, and let’s just say that apartment complex doesn’t look…

Reddit ecommerce 146 2023-07-08