
Is this gear too outdated? I have some questions

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Is this gear too outdated? I have some questions Hello, I was gifted this gear from my Mom after finding it in her Attic after 15-20 years. Battery and charger were inside luckily! I’m charging the battery now to see if it’ll hold charge. What am I looking at here? I just bought my first camera last year so I’m still learning. The 1 lens looks massive! Do you think this is usable? Worth anyt…

Ask Photography 956 2024-11-13

Renting a car with an outdated license?

( www.reddit.com )

Renting a car with an outdated license? I’m traveling in a few weeks and renting a car at my destination. They say on their website that your license needs to have an up-to-date address. I moved within my city last year, and I’ve updated my address with my city’s DMV database or whatever, BUT if I want the address on my physical license to be updated, then I need to go in-person and p…

Reddit Travel 1.2k 2024-04-05

Part 2 – Timeless trendy or outdated ? Which option to choose

( www.reddit.com )

Part 2 – Timeless trendy or outdated ? Which option to choose Thank you all for your honest opinion on my previous post. I like a traditional yet modern aesthetic. First bed has storage underneath (you can lift up the bed) Wall color TBD, floors are orangy parquet wood , house is 2001. Room is basic and square, no high ceilings. Bed would be beige. submitted by /u/JulieJules8368

Reddit Interior Design 642 2023-12-02