
Testing blog post notifications

( elsaelsa.com )

Testing blog post notifications If you are subbed to blog post notification by email, I’ve discovered there’s an issue. The notices have not been sent. This is a test to see I we have a test in place. Thanks! Source

Elsa Elsa 805 2024-07-26

How to tame notifications on iOS

( www.theverge.com )

How to tame notifications on iOS Take back control of your lock screen. | Illustration by Samar Haddad / The VergeI don’t think I’m alone when I say that notifications are a nuisance. There are simply too many of them, and the helpful ones are often drowned out by the spam. Whether promotional notifications should be allowed at all on our phones is an open question (I have my o…

The Verge 792 2024-04-21

Do you have push notifications implemented?

( www.reddit.com )

Do you have push notifications implemented? Hey guys! I’m thinking of launching a store and I’m wondering if I should go into impletemention of push notifications. I found a ton of push notification ecommerce solutions on Google, but I’m unsure if they’ll bring me any value. I myself haven’t enabled any push notifications in the past, but I know people who have. I have also found out tha…

Reddit ecommerce 448 2023-12-27

How to take control of your Windows notifications

( www.theverge.com )

How to take control of your Windows notifications Illustration by Samar Haddad / The VergeMost of us are used to managing notifications (or trying to) on our smartphones, but Windows can throw up plenty of pings and alerts of its own as well. Some of those will be useful and necessary, but if you’re trying to get stuff done, regular interruptions are likely to throw you off track and get in the…

The Verge 135 2023-08-05