
You Can Now Reduce Background Noises From Videos on Your Pixel 8

( lifehacker.com )

You Can Now Reduce Background Noises From Videos on Your Pixel 8 Smartphones and their excellent video cameras make it second-nature to press record any time we want to share a moment with others. But it’s a bummer when you play back your recording, only to hear nothing but the sounds of traffic instead of the street performer, or to find that a windy day completely covers up your… Read more…

Lifehacker 1.2k 2023-12-12

Why Your Dryer Is Making Weird Noises and What to Do About It

( lifehacker.com )

Why Your Dryer Is Making Weird Noises and What to Do About It You’ve just put a load of laundry into your dryer and it starts squeaking. Or it sounds like you have a brick rolling around clunking and thumping. Whatever noise your dryer is making, don’t panic: There are some problems you can solve yourself without needing to repair or replace your appliance. Read more…

Lifehacker 187 2023-08-11