
ND filter for phone photography

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ND filter for phone photography Hy. Recently I’ve seen some video’s on Instagram showing off nd filters and what they do. After some research online I found that they’re really helpful with making video’s but haven’t seen a lot about their use for photography. I was thinking about buying a filter adapter and nd filter for my phone but I’m not sure if it’ll help me at all. So I…

Ask Photography 543 2023-11-16

Does this ND Filter work with Canon R10?!

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Does this ND Filter work with Canon R10?! Hey guys. I will be going to Iceland this month and I have never used an ND filter before. I have the Canon R10 with the 18 by 135mm lens and will this filter work with it? Im also using an EF adapter for the lens to work. submitted by /u/coliinreiid

Ask Photography 713 2023-11-16

Fast stutter vs slow shutter with a ND filter

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Fast stutter vs slow shutter with a ND filter I see many landscape photographers using a ND filter. My question is: there is any difference using a faster shutter or using a slow shutter with a ND filter? Assuming both options using the same exposure and still objects. I’m not talking about scenes with moving parts like water (that affects the photo of course). But more in terms of dynamic…

Ask Photography 260 2023-08-26

I need to buy an ND filter for my wide angle 14mm lens but it’s curved and I can’t find any curved ND filters?

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I need to buy an ND filter for my wide angle 14mm lens but it’s curved and I can’t find any curved ND filters? Hi all. Struggling here. I have a 28mm-70mm Tamron lens with an ND filter that’s a life saver to shoot with on bright sunny days. But my recently purchased Samsung 14mm needs one too, trouble is the lens is quite curved. I’m not finding any curved ND filters when I search for them online. Whats the solution here please? What can I purchase? …

Ask Photography 194 2023-08-26

Cap for ND filter?

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Cap for ND filter? What cap can I buy to put on a 40.5 md filter? https://www.kentfaith.com/KF01.1163_k-amp-f-concept-40-5mm-fader-nd-filter-neutral-density-variable-filter-nd2-to-nd32-for-camera-lens-no-x-spot-nanotec-ultra-slim-weather-sealed?gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIk_Pc17zugAMVhtXICh1LvgBKEAQYAyABEgLIZ_D_BwE submitted by /u/FilmHeavy1111

Ask Photography 187 2023-08-22

Thryristor flash and Nd filter. Am I doing this the right way?

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Thryristor flash and Nd filter. Am I doing this the right way? Doing a series of portraits outdoors in harsh sunlight, using a flash with auto mode thryristor, so no TTL. I have a variable nd filter attached to allow me to open the lens up more. Say with iso 400 film, I use a nd filter to reduce light by two stops, I compensate my exposure and open up the lens by by two stops. Would I be correct in thinking…

Ask Photography 140 2023-07-30

What variable ND filter do you use?

( www.reddit.com )

What variable ND filter do you use? So I’m looking to get a brass variable ND filter (55mm thread) to take some long exposures both at day and night. Ideally I think I would want around 5 to 6 stops but anything more would be a bonus! However I’m getting a bit lost in what’s available and what’s worth getting. I’m considering the breakthrough x4 6 stop filter but I understand this…

Ask Photography 169 2023-07-15

Uses for a 3 stop ND filter?

( www.reddit.com )

Uses for a 3 stop ND filter? Hi…Regarding landscape/cityscape photography, would there be any benefit using a 3 stop/ND8 filter? I currently have a 10 stop and CPL filter. I’m assuming that the CPL is good for 1.5 stops? My 10 stop filter will be used for extremely long exposures. Blurring clouds, turning lakes/ponds into silk, etc…I understand that in waterfall or beac…

Ask Photography 144 2023-07-14