Declutter Motivation Mix! [5:46]-[60:00]
Declutter Motivation Mix! – submitted by /u/NateTrib
Declutter Motivation Mix! – submitted by /u/NateTrib
Motivation to take photos? I recently quit my full time job and am taking some time off and during this time I wanted to get back into using my camera more and I was wondering if anyone here has found like either an app or newsletter that gives you a photo prompt everyday to give you a reason to shoot Anything will be helpful, thank you all! submitted by /u/Forsure…
Very scared to touch my savings.. I need motivation? I have $10,000 in my savings! It took me 4 months to make it happen. I worked two full time jobs for 4 months straight. Prior to saving that.. I lost my job working at a cleaning company that went out of business and we got laid off, I was living from couch to couch, I developed a online gambling habit trying to make money and stay afloat, the g…
LPT Need a reoccurring motivation boost? Set your work password to something like is awesome, every time you have to put it in you’re building your self up. submitted by /u/redditsellout-420
LPT for motivation !! If you have trouble with being motivated to do stuff like showering or putting on deodorant, pick a couple scents you really like and try to stick to getting stuff in those scents! It’s something that has really helped me deal with getting stuff done when i’m depressed because “yay i get to smell like a pine forest!” Sorry if this is something t…
Feeling really stuck. I need some motivation. 26 M, currently very frustrated at my current situation. Long story short I was an addict for about 10 years and did absolutely nothing with my life and I just got out of jail after about 5 months. I was in rehab for around 5 months before that. At this moment I have around $1.5k USD saved up. I make $15 an hour and bring in around 60+ hours eve…
LPT Request: How can I increase my motivation and productivity? I feel like I have absolutely no motivation to do anything in my life. I have all these goals but I feel completely paralyzed to accomplish them. Sometimes it’s even difficult to get up off the couch. What is wrong with me? Has anyone else faced something similar and come up with ways to feel more energized? submitted by /u/EnaGrimm
Motivation The last 8 months have been hard for me, I can’t seem to get photos am happy with, so am starting to lose interest/motivation to keep going, but I love taking photos. So what did you guys do when, or if you ever been in my shoes? submitted by /u/sebesej2000
My only motivation for studying is my desk lol submitted by /u/daddymattmurdock