
Mother in law had a stroke

( www.reddit.com )

Mother in law had a stroke My mother in law had a stroke a month ago. They had zero planning for situations like this. They had 5 kids but four of them are literally worthless. And my father in law isn’t book smart. We worked hard all his like and my Mother in law always handled all the financials and basically everything else. My wife has been there with her mom every da…

Reddit Personal Finance 553 2024-04-19

I Mother Earth — The Tea Party

( www.reddit.com )

I Mother Earth — The Tea Party Just wanted to take a second to talk about these two canadian bands. I was able to see them last night and went to see the Tea party and knew very little about I Mother Earth. Awestruck is the only work i could think that could describe how i felt seeing them for the first time. Some of the finest prog rock I have every been able to see live. Th…

Reddit Music 733 2024-02-18

How I met your mother: I’m still upset

( www.reddit.com )

How I met your mother: I’m still upset I know, I know, I KNOW. BUT. I don’t know, it just kinda sucks, ya know? My wife and I just rewatched it all again and had to skip the last episode when we realised it didn’t have the alternative ending. Why. Why does it NEED to have the twist at the end? I’m upset about falling in love with Ted’s love story, only to get the rug pulled out from…

Reddit Television 830 2024-02-13

Gifted 15k in stocks from my mother, what should I do with it?

( www.reddit.com )

Gifted 15k in stocks from my mother, what should I do with it? Hey everyone! My mom gifted me 15k in stocks Phillip Morris and Altria. I’m currently 22 still in school studying finance and have about a year left. I work part time as a server and struggle to not use the money to help pay for tuition/rent. My tuition is about $2500/ semester and my rent is about $1300/month. I really don’t want to run this ac…

Reddit Personal Finance 1.2k 2024-01-21

Stranded with my Mother-In-Law on Netflix

( www.reddit.com )

Stranded with my Mother-In-Law on Netflix A new Brazilian reality show where they trap people on a beach and force them to play games with the mother in laws they don’t get along with. The way these women interact with their son and daughter in laws. . . . Fun cultural stuff makes it more interesting, I love foreign reality shows. The concept in general is bonkers, even just the cross …

Reddit Television 748 2023-12-05

Mother is about to declare bankruptcy- what do I do?

( www.reddit.com )

Mother is about to declare bankruptcy- what do I do? My mom is about to claim bankruptcy. She’s been financially illiterate and honestly a leach on society her entire life. She’s always depended on others giving her money like her dad who died 10 years ago. She’s 63, gets government benefits (but not enough it would seem), can’t/doesn’t work (disability and all the rules regarding how much you’re …

Reddit Personal Finance 629 2023-11-04

How can my Mother purchase a house in my name NYS.

( www.reddit.com )

How can my Mother purchase a house in my name NYS. My mother has decided she wanta to move back to her hometown to spend the rest of her life. We found an old home/camp that she can purchase for $130,000. It will need around $20,000 to make it right for her to move in. It is a mile from me, so i will be able to provide a large portion of the needed care for her. She would like to buy it in my na…

Reddit Personal Finance 560 2023-10-19

Payable on death vs having a trust for terminally ill mother?

( www.reddit.com )

Payable on death vs having a trust for terminally ill mother? My mother is terminally ill. Me and her are planning all of her finance stuff out which isn’t really too much. All she has is a bank account with $200k and about $20k of stock, no house. Is my thinking correct that all we need to do is add me and my siblings as POD to all bank and stock accounts and then I’m done right? Seems simple and doesn’t…

Reddit Personal Finance 220 2023-09-19

Just Because She’s Your Mother, Doesn’t Mean She Likes You

( www.elsaelsa.com )

Just Because She’s Your Mother, Doesn’t Mean She Likes You “I love all my kids the same.” Most mothers say this and perhaps it’s true from a certain angle. But from other angles it hard to substantiate and in some cases it’s flat out obvious a mother prefers one child … Read More…

Elsa Elsa 154 2023-09-18

How can I financially prepare for my mother’s retirement when she has no savings at 59?

( www.reddit.com )

How can I financially prepare for my mother’s retirement when she has no savings at 59? My mother is 59 years old and currently earns about $11 per hour with benefits. I have power of attorney over her and manage her finances, which are basically non-existent. She only makes enough to cover her current living expenses, including her $700 per month apartment. I am her only child and I get anxious thinking about her future needs as s…

Reddit Personal Finance 212 2023-09-06

Mother’s Retirement Plan is Her Home

( www.reddit.com )

Mother’s Retirement Plan is Her Home Hi /r/personalfinance, I need your advice on my mother’s(56yrs olds) situation. She has a 4B2B house (1951) in CA which she has been renting to a family member for the past 20 years to support her income $1600/month. She hasn’t been saving any of the rent for repairs as she has been renting it below market rate to family. Lately, my sibling and…

Reddit Personal Finance 168 2023-08-27

2 Tickets to see The Good Mother Free

( slickdeals.net )

2 Tickets to see The Good Mother Free Atom Tickets offers *2 Movie Tickets* for *The Good Mother* for *Free* at participating theaters when you apply promo code GOODMOTHERFREE at checkout (see deal instructions below). Thanks to Deal…

Slickdeals 162 2023-08-25

Safest place in the world for mother/daughters trip?

( www.reddit.com )

Safest place in the world for mother/daughters trip? I’m looking for a place where my sisters and our kids can take our first big trip together next year. Women’s ages will range from 9 years old, some teens, and 30s and 40s. I know nearly everywhere can be safe if you’re smart about it, and I do plan on being smart about it like I always do when I travel. Still, I’m dreaming up a place where wome…

Reddit Travel 107 2023-08-25