
Looking for weird recommendations in Minnesota in May

( www.reddit.com )

Looking for weird recommendations in Minnesota in May I’ll be in the US for work next year and as a treat, we’ve been given an extra 1 week all expenses paid (more or less) trip to anywhere in the country. I picked Minnesota because I’ve never been, know nothing about the state and bloody love the accent. I’ll be starting in Minneapolis and my basic plan was to drive for up to 6 hours for 4 or 5 da…

Reddit Travel 770 2024-12-06

Turkey Hunting in Minnesota

( www.nytimes.com )

Turkey Hunting in Minnesota On the hunt for wild birds in Minnesota, where a small but spirited cohort loves the challenge, and the cooking that follows.

New York Times 785 2024-11-08

Please Don’t Pull Over To Take Photos Of The Prince Road Signs, Minnesota Begs

( jalopnik.com )

Please Don’t Pull Over To Take Photos Of The Prince Road Signs, Minnesota Begs Last May, the Minnesota Senate voted 55 to five in favor of renaming a seven-mile stretch of Highway 5 in honor of Prince, the legendary musician. The Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway runs past the artist’s Paisley Park estates in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Purple signs were appropriately installed this week along… Read more…

Jalopnik 308 2023-08-05

Retired Minnesota Zoo Monorail Cars Transformed Into Private Cabins

( jalopnik.com )

Retired Minnesota Zoo Monorail Cars Transformed Into Private Cabins Ten years ago, the Minnesota Zoo decommissioned its monorail after 34 years of service. The dated facility attraction was taken down after reaching the end of life with no options at the time to replace it. However, many of its components were still worth something. A St. Paul resident bought one of the monorail’s… Read more…

Jalopnik 160 2023-07-28