
How do I start? I’m 22 years old in the military.

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How do I start? I’m 22 years old in the military. I’m 22 years old, in the United States Marine Corps. I make roughly 25,000 a year. I don’t make shit lol… but I have friends who are making shit tons of money. I quite frankly have no idea what to do or where to invest/ how much to invest. I have about 15,000 in savings/TSP (do not plan on touching). And to be honest I live paycheck to paychec…

Reddit Personal Finance 387 2024-04-03

Military transition do I pay off or save

( www.reddit.com )

Military transition do I pay off or save Hello everyone, A little synopsis of my story and plan for the next year, I have a year left in the military and plan on moving to texas with a goal of saving $20,000. I am currently earning $1,700 every two weeks. I have $10,000 saved in a navy fed MMSA with a dividend of .95% and a car loan of $7,000 at 5.34% with monthly payments of 345.39. C…

Reddit Personal Finance 513 2024-03-04