
Saturn In Pisces: “I’m Terrible & Nobody Likes Me!”

( elsaelsa.com )

Saturn In Pisces: “I’m Terrible & Nobody Likes Me!” With Saturn in Pisces, it’s common people feel rejected.  The problem with this, is the rejection is often imagined.  A call or a text or an email is not responded to immediately, means the person hates me, right?  The suffering caused by scenarios like these is endless, in spite of the fact the rejection is Source

Elsa Elsa 757 2024-07-28

Any research on views/likes tied to social media conversion?

( www.reddit.com )

Any research on views/likes tied to social media conversion? I run on an online business and I’m trying to formulate a strategy to emphasize sales. However, I don’t know what I should expect, as in, how many views/likes to get x amount of conversions (such as sign ups, purchases, etc) submitted by /u/vicariously_eye

Reddit Social Media 464 2024-02-19

Tiktok ghost likes

( www.reddit.com )

Tiktok ghost likes Hi I have a small but niche tiktok account that generally does pretty solid in terms of views (10k-100k) Lately Ill post videos and within the first 40 views I will have 18 likes so it seems like the video would do well , but then the views stop moving. It will stagnate at 4-500 views. In addition to this the likes don’t show up in my notificat…

Reddit Social Media 776 2024-01-13

What are some characters that everyone likes but you don’t understand why?

( www.reddit.com )

What are some characters that everyone likes but you don’t understand why? For me, I have a long list of them but I’ll just name a few, – Diane from bojack horseman, she was not a good person nor was she the voice of reason, most of the time she was irrational and very dismissive. – Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn nine nine, her character got old too quick she was very boring most of the time and never stood a chance against t…

Reddit Television 1.2k 2023-10-31

Getting lots of likes/reactions on ads but ≠ any purchases yet

( www.reddit.com )

Getting lots of likes/reactions on ads but ≠ any purchases yet Take a look at my Shopify site and let me know your thoughts , here is the product I’m currently running ads on. I know it can improve , it’s a work in progress but it would be great to get some external feedback. Getting ads to cart but ≠ purchases submitted by /u/Ok-Zookeepergame-401

Reddit ecommerce 155 2023-09-21

Just Because She’s Your Mother, Doesn’t Mean She Likes You

( www.elsaelsa.com )

Just Because She’s Your Mother, Doesn’t Mean She Likes You “I love all my kids the same.” Most mothers say this and perhaps it’s true from a certain angle. But from other angles it hard to substantiate and in some cases it’s flat out obvious a mother prefers one child … Read More…

Elsa Elsa 143 2023-09-18

Why do I still taking photos? Anyone who felt likes this?

( www.reddit.com )

Why do I still taking photos? Anyone who felt likes this? Lately i’ve struggled with the question on why I take photos. The weird thing is that I still love it and still got the urge and creativity to do it. So it’s not because of that the why is. I’ve realised that I really want others to see my photos and want the likes and comments. Even though instagram is far from what it once was. It’s still the …

Ask Photography 154 2023-07-24