
Let’s stop talking about ‘self-hating Jews’ — a lesson from Hanukkah

( religionnews.com )

Let’s stop talking about ‘self-hating Jews’ — a lesson from Hanukkah (RNS) — Judaism has always been open to what the world is learning and saying. It has fallen to every generation of Jews to determine how much openness is necessary, and how much is too much. That’s the miracle of Hanukkah. The post Let’s stop talking about ‘self-hating Jews’ — a lesson from Hanukkah appeared first on RNS.

Religion News Service 979 2024-12-28

Porsche Learned The Worst Lesson From Tesla, And It Sucks

( jalopnik.com )

Porsche Learned The Worst Lesson From Tesla, And It Sucks For better or worse, Tesla has made a significant mark on the automobile industry. The American electric car manufacturer has influenced so much change in the last decade of car making, spurring the EV boom, pushing direct-to-consumer sales, and changing the meaning of a 0-60 time. One other thing that Tesla does,… Read more…

Jalopnik 1.3k 2024-06-01

An Overdue Lesson on Antiracism

( www.nytimes.com )

An Overdue Lesson on Antiracism Ibram X. Kendi became a national arbiter on race, even though his reductionist approach was at odds with principles of free inquiry and expression.

New York Times 457 2023-11-26

LPT: Always Verify Your Medications – A Valuable Lesson

( www.reddit.com )

LPT: Always Verify Your Medications – A Valuable Lesson I wanted to share an incident that recently happened to me, and it’s a reminder of how important it is to be proactive about your healthcare. So, here’s what happened: I had a wound, and the doctor ordered a culture and sensitivity report to identify the bacteria causing the infection and which antibiotics it’s sensitive to. All good so far, ri…

Life Pro Tips 151 2023-09-15

Teacher in a Strange Land: Would You Recognize a Good Lesson If You Saw It?

( nepc.colorado.edu )

Teacher in a Strange Land: Would You Recognize a Good Lesson If You Saw It? Teacher in a Strange Land: Would You Recognize a Good Lesson If You Saw It? Here’s a scary headline: Michigan Democrats Look to Change Teacher Evaluation System. Not so much the “Democrats” part—although I’d argue that not having a clue about evaluating teachers is common in both parties—but the implication that way fewer than 99% …

The Best Education Blog 236 2023-07-21