Imposter (Snow) – Jim Carrey [pop]
Imposter (Snow) – Jim Carrey submitted by /u/Vast_Honey1533
Imposter (Snow) – Jim Carrey submitted by /u/Vast_Honey1533
LPT Request: How to dispell imposter syndrome? I’ve struggled with imposters syndrome since starting my career in conservation two years ago. Since then I’ve had four jobs as a conservation scientist and despite fulfilling my duties I’ve yet to dispell this feeling of faking it. In my last role I received only positive feedback and my monitoring efforts and the report I wrote led to the bud…
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Social Pulse Podcast, Ep. 4 It’s not uncommon for business owners to routinely have to grapple with their demons, challenges, like impostor syndrome, which sit between us and our better angels. That’s especially true for people like influencers and marketing agency owners who live and work in circles where their colleagues and counterparts are highly visible. How do we kno…
LPT Request: how to handle imposter syndrome Hey guys I (28F)have always had some issues with imposter syndrome, and I think this is mainly because of years of bullying when I was a kid (at least age 7-17). Once I went to Uni, it was still present but I was able to ignore it more or just accept that I was an ‘imposter’. But lately, I feel like it is getting worse. I have it at work, becaus…
imposter syndrome how do you keep imposter syndrome at bay? i am starting an e-commerce business and some days i am so confident and some days i see how many people fail and i’m like who do i think i am. submitted by /u/FaithlessnessWeary66
Frustrated from lack of results and imposter syndrome I wanted to have my own business helping entrepreneurs navigate social media for their businesses, but so far the only 2 clients I have had basically just give me empty social media pages and just expect me to make their brand famous. I just graduated, and my imposter syndrome is hardcore slapping me around because I’m not getting any engagement…