
LPT: Hatred gets you the most online presence.

( www.reddit.com )

LPT: Hatred gets you the most online presence. Sure, you gotta be a little clever with it sometimes, but hatred is what people want. They want you to make scathing comments and start drama. It’s not about understanding or compassion, it’s always about jumping on the hatred bandwagon. So, showing contempt for others and their actions, especially when they are clearly wrong or mentally disturb…

Life Pro Tips 605 2024-12-02

Self-Hatred, Steered and Engineered

( www.elsaelsa.com )

Self-Hatred, Steered and Engineered When I launched this blog it was centered on giving advice. In fact, it was called, “ElsaElsa – The Advice Blog”. I’ve been reflecting on the changes that have unfolded over the years.  Adapting To Change Over The Last Twenty … Read More…

Elsa Elsa 495 2024-03-11