
Things to do between Hamburg and Berlin?

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Things to do between Hamburg and Berlin? As the title asks – my friend and I (both 26M) will be driving from Hamburg to Berlin on a Saturday, leaving Hamburg at 9am, and would like to find one or two places to stop off and spend a few hours. We were thinking nature spots but are open to any potentially interesting detours we could make on the journey! We need to arrive in Berlin by 5pm…

Reddit Travel 820 2024-05-16

Thought on this photo ? (from a park in Hamburg)

( www.reddit.com )

Thought on this photo ? (from a park in Hamburg) Hello, I would like to have impression and advice on this photo. I’m an amateur taking pictures and I want to improve. What can I do better (from shot to edit) ? Thank you in advance https://preview.redd.it/avp2rg44ispb1.jpg?width=5098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c5309254bdb1e0dce972c868b8318821858d367 submitted by /u/Ixirus

Ask Photography 1.2k 2023-10-26