
Teacher in a Strange Land: Nine Reasons Why Standardized Tests and Grades Shouldn’t Necessarily Match Up

( nepc.colorado.edu )

Teacher in a Strange Land: Nine Reasons Why Standardized Tests and Grades Shouldn’t Necessarily Match Up Teacher in a Strange Land: Nine Reasons Why Standardized Tests and Grades Shouldn’t Necessarily Match Up Headline from a recent piece in Education Week: Grades and Standardized Test Scores Aren’t Matching Up. Here’s Why. Let me give you the gist: Grades are unreliable, whereas standardized test scores scientifically measure real co…

The Best Education Blog 1.2k 2024-11-26

Answer Sheet: The Big Problem(s) With Grades

( nepc.colorado.edu )

Answer Sheet: The Big Problem(s) With Grades Answer Sheet: The Big Problem(s) With Grades In the early 20th Century, K-12 schools began developing and implementing systems to grade students, with many of them adopting what was already in use in some colleges and universities — the A-F system. Students have been complaining about them ever since, and education historians have…

The Best Education Blog 424 2023-10-25