
Reviews of New Food: Walmart’s Great Value Original Fruit Smiles

( www.mcsweeneys.net )

Reviews of New Food: Walmart’s Great Value Original Fruit Smiles Walmart’s Great Value Original Fruit Smiles is not exactly a new food, for the recipe has clearly been handed down through fluorescent generations. But given a recent update, they are truly the only fruit snack worth eating. The only fruit snack with substance, tang, and mouthfeel akin to banana flesh combined with a pencil eraser. In a nondescr…

McSweenys 1.2k 2024-03-15

LPT- Having trouble with your fruit going to waste? Cut it up!

( www.reddit.com )

LPT- Having trouble with your fruit going to waste? Cut it up! It amazes me how much easier and more appetizing it is to eat fruit when it’s cut up. Get a thing of strawberries, cut them up within a few days of getting them. You can be sure every bite is delicious because you already threw out the bad ones. Pack an apple for lunch? Cut it up. It’s way more appetizing. Also, make a fruit salad! It makes it m…

Life Pro Tips 675 2023-10-31

Make a Vibrant Syrup Using the Liquid From a Can of Fruit

( lifehacker.com )

Make a Vibrant Syrup Using the Liquid From a Can of Fruit I come from the land of congealed salads, a land of Cool Whip and canned fruit. While the original recipe for ambrosia called for fresh citrus and shaved coconut, its progeny lean heavily on the canned stuff, so I’ve always had a soft spot for peaches, pineapple, and cherries that come swimming in syrup. Read more…

Lifehacker 788 2023-10-17

LPT: Before your strawberry plants produce fruit, place a few rocks painted like strawberries in your garden. Birds will learn the “strawberries” are fake and leave the real fruit alone.

( www.reddit.com )

LPT: Before your strawberry plants produce fruit, place a few rocks painted like strawberries in your garden. Birds will learn the “strawberries” are fake and leave the real fruit alone. I’ve used this trick to fool birds at homes in several states, it’s worked every time. No additional netting or other tricks are required to keep birds from your strawberries. The painting doesn’t have to be too accurate. I usually had fun with my kids painting about a dozen strawberry-sized rocks red, with green “tops” and a few small dots for …

Life Pro Tips 123 2023-08-21

The Best, Least Messy Way to Cut Large Fruit

( lifehacker.com )

The Best, Least Messy Way to Cut Large Fruit At some point in your life, you’ll find yourself faced with chopping up a giant melon. Strawberries and kiwis are good practice, but your paring knife skills will leave you ill-equipped for taking down a watermelon, honeydew, or pineapple. When it comes to effectively cutting up large fruit for the first time, and for … Read more…

Lifehacker 180 2023-08-09

You Can Make Fruit Pies Without Much Baking

( lifehacker.com )

You Can Make Fruit Pies Without Much Baking You’re doing summer right if you’re enjoying all the fruit pie you can get your hands on. Heaps of fruit are often cooked down to make a flavorful sauce from the juices, but it’s not without a downside. The texture of the fruit is forever changed, and sometimes it gets downright mushy. Luckily for us, there’s the… Read more…

Lifehacker 169 2023-08-03

My Three Favorite Tools for Processing Summer Fruit

( lifehacker.com )

My Three Favorite Tools for Processing Summer Fruit Processing fruit every summer can be daunting. We all start out with the same ambition: We see the cherry branches dripping with red lobes and dream of an entire winter of cherry pies. We side-eye the apple tree, thinking this is the year we’re going to finally make apple cider. And clearly no one knows how many… Read more…

Lifehacker 226 2023-07-19