
LPT: Learn to differentiate between fault and responsibility.

( www.reddit.com )

LPT: Learn to differentiate between fault and responsibility. Every time someone posts a video of a random driver causing trouble and a second driver is affected by not reacting accordingly, there are endless discussions about who’s to blame and the only reasonable comments seem to be the ones that claim “both are at fault” or “both are idiots”. Without discrediting these judgements, I think it’s clear tha…

Life Pro Tips 714 2023-10-31

Kia And Hyundai Say Thefts Aren’t Their Fault So Please Don’t Sue Them

( jalopnik.com )

Kia And Hyundai Say Thefts Aren’t Their Fault So Please Don’t Sue Them All the cool kids are stealing Kias and Hyundais. Owners of these cars, who likely thought their vehicles had security measures that went beyond “hope the thieves target someone else instead,” are understandably upset — their expensive assets are disappearing before their eyes. Read more…

Jalopnik 159 2023-10-06

Car insurance after a fault wreck.

( www.reddit.com )

Car insurance after a fault wreck. I recently just had my first at fault wreck. I backed into a parked car… The claim was 1700 dollars so too big to be forgiven with the small accident forgiveness program offered by progressive and I haven’t been with them long enough for the large forgiveness. I don’t think my rate will change until the next billing cycle which isn’t until Oct…

Reddit Personal Finance 225 2023-08-19