
Weekend Love Forecast – Healing words, Reforming Fated Connections

( elsaelsa.com )

Weekend Love Forecast – Healing words, Reforming Fated Connections This weekend, retrograde Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces, exact Sunday morning. Mars generally moves more quickly than Saturn, but Mars is slowing up to station direct later in the month. Even then, it won’t get back up to speed to trine Saturn exactly again till April, but the connection holds. So this trine Source

Elsa Elsa 870 2025-02-08

Are Some Charts More Fated Than Others?

( elsaelsa.com )

Are Some Charts More Fated Than Others? Hi Elsa, My question is, are some charts more karmic or fated than others? In my case: When Pluto hit my natal Jupiter in the 3rd house, my beloved grandfather died, and I also lost my very best friend, both within arcminutes of the conjunction. My father died on the one and only day that Source

Elsa Elsa 1.0k 2024-11-05