
Is there a reason why the Nikon F4 is so much cheaper than an F3?

( www.reddit.com )

Is there a reason why the Nikon F4 is so much cheaper than an F3? They’re often, if not more than half the price, with many people less than £300 while the cheapest F3 I can find is £500. It seems to be better in every way, but this will be my first SLR after exclusively using point and shoots and a TLR, so I’m not sure if I’m missing something. submitted by /u/proletarianpr1ncess

Ask Photography 766 2024-06-17

Sony NEX-F3 worth it?

( www.reddit.com )

Sony NEX-F3 worth it? Looking for a good overall use 1080p camera for photos and video. Nothing professional, just want good 1080p quality. My phone is an old OnePlus, so I don’t have like a really good iPhone camera. I’m wanting to spend at most like a few hundred dollars on a camera. Would the Sony NEX-F3 be worth it? submitted by /u/thinlycuta4paper

Ask Photography 704 2024-01-22

Get lenses for old NEX-F3 or buy new camera

( www.reddit.com )

Get lenses for old NEX-F3 or buy new camera Hey all. I have a Sony NEX-F3 e mount from 10 years ago, and I am either looking to get a new camera or pick up some new lenses for this one. If I was going to go new lens route, I would be looking for something that will help with landscape and city photography, and then I think a fixed lens for taking better pictures of the kids and family. It…

Ask Photography 753 2023-11-29

Nikon f3 manual mode shows “-“

( www.reddit.com )

Nikon f3 manual mode shows “-“ I bought a Nikon f3 recently and it works well in automatic mode. The light meter in manual mode keeps showing me a “minus” symbol even when the exposure it correct. I’ve even loaded film in it and I’m still experiencing the same. Any suggestions of what could be the issue is greatly appreciated, I am a novice when it comes to film. submitt…

Ask Photography 310 2023-08-18