
When I was Younger I Only Traveled to Europe but Now I am Enjoying Seeing All of America

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When I was Younger I Only Traveled to Europe but Now I am Enjoying Seeing All of America Like the title says since my early 20’s I mainly traveled Western Europe, partly because I had family there and my ex was from Europe. I have been to 12 countries and some of them multiple times. It’s funny because a lot of my friends talked about places like the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, all the National Parks, Yellowstone and places like that. …

Reddit Travel 642 2024-07-25

Balancing between enjoying life and saving money in your 20s

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Balancing between enjoying life and saving money in your 20s am 24F and generally introverted and don’t do much and have 3 friends. My life consists of me working, reading, watching tv, cooking, and other mundane activities. I feel so guilty because I feel that other individuals my age are living such great exciting lives on social media and even my co-workers are living great lives and traveling, eating …

Reddit Personal Finance 616 2024-06-27

I feel like I am doing personal finance correctly, but I am not enjoying life. Can I take my foot off the peddle a little?

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I feel like I am doing personal finance correctly, but I am not enjoying life. Can I take my foot off the peddle a little? I (27M) feel like I am in a pretty solid spot for my age. I recently just wrote a check to pay off my student loan balance of $35.5k and have zero consumer debt (no car loan, no excess CC debt, and no personal loans). I make $100k per year and am working toward finishing my CPA by the end of the year which should only cause my income to increase…

Reddit Personal Finance 882 2024-05-02

most of the work im hired to do requires me to shoot horizontal , I find my self not enjoying vertical shots when I attempt them just for fun, am I doing something wrong ?

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most of the work im hired to do requires me to shoot horizontal , I find my self not enjoying vertical shots when I attempt them just for fun, am I doing something wrong ? i cant seem to make a single vertical shot that I like, and i see other photographers doing portrait photography and their vertical shots look amazing, but any time I attempted it I straight up hated every single image, a colleague told me “Shoot horizontal and crop like its vertical” id like to know is that how most of portrait photography imag…

Ask Photography 930 2024-04-06