
Self-Care With Endometriosis

( www.webmd.com )

Self-Care With Endometriosis Endometriosis starts when cells that are like the ones that line your womb grow outside of it. It can affect many other parts of your body. Here are tips to live your best life with endometriosis.

WebMD 1.2k 2024-01-31

Endometriosis Care in Transgender Adults

( www.webmd.com )

Endometriosis Care in Transgender Adults Endometriosis isn’t only seen in cisgender women. Read about endometriosis signs, symptoms, and care in transgender people.

WebMD 110 2023-08-03

How to Navigate Your Endometriosis Diagnosis

( lifehacker.com )

How to Navigate Your Endometriosis Diagnosis It’s impossible to tell by looking at someone, but endometriosis is an incredibly painful and sometimes debilitating multi-system disease that causes a lot of problems for those who have it. Endometriosis is a disease where tissues similar to the uterus’ endometrial tissue grow elsewhere in the body. It’s sometimes… Read more…

Lifehacker 201 2023-07-25