
What’s your current musical earworm?

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What’s your current musical earworm? What’s that one song that is just playing on repeat in your heard all the time just now? I’ve got the first couple of vocal bars of ‘And Nothing Is Forever’ from The Cure’s new album going round and round. Absolutely magnificent song so I’m not at all bothered that I’m hearing it so much.. How about you? Is it something you love or is it somethi…

Reddit Music 526 2024-11-15

LPT: Got an earworm (song stuck in your head)? Try chewing gum!

( www.reddit.com )

LPT: Got an earworm (song stuck in your head)? Try chewing gum! When your “hear” a song in your head, you subvocalize (tiny movements of parts of your mouth you use when you actually sing). Chewing gum or even making the chewing motion, will disrupt this and will kill the song replay, too. submitted by /u/Hlevinger

Life Pro Tips 1.3k 2024-01-08