
These Are The Dumbest Things You’ve Heard People Say About Cars

( jalopnik.com )

These Are The Dumbest Things You’ve Heard People Say About Cars Last week we asked the audience the dumbest thing they’ve ever heard someone say about cars. Cars are complex machines that many of us have to interact with on a daily basis, so it’s unsurprising that there’s a lot of misunderstanding and straight up misinformation about them. Though often the dumbest things we hear… Read more…

Jalopnik 1.0k 2024-12-17

What’s The Dumbest Thing You’ve Heard Someone Say About Cars?

( jalopnik.com )

What’s The Dumbest Thing You’ve Heard Someone Say About Cars? If you’re reading Jalopnik, you’re likely a car aficionado (and/or nerd), and thus likely to know more about cars than the average bear. If you know cars, then you know that they’re incredibly complex machines with thousands of moving parts. Beyond the mechanics of it all lies the somehow more complex and… Read more…

Jalopnik 1.1k 2024-12-13

Dumbest thing you’ve done while travelling?

( www.reddit.com )

Dumbest thing you’ve done while travelling? Probably this doesn’t belong here, but as I’m sat here in what my grandmother would call “the altogether”, nursing my injured legs and hoping my trainers will dry out on the balcony before my flight tomorrow, I feel I have to share my idiocy with someone and hope to feel like I’m not the only one… So, the reason I’m in that situation: I fell i…

Reddit Travel 709 2024-07-13

What has been the dumbest piece of travel advice you’ve ever been given?

( www.reddit.com )

What has been the dumbest piece of travel advice you’ve ever been given? There’s a lot of useful/excellent travel advice that we’ve all received. But let’s turn that question upside down a bit. If you’ve ever received genuine boneheaded or just plain dumb advice, do share. Even more so if it’s accompanied by a good or funny story. I‘ll start things off with my favourite story from a few years ago. Dude was hauling 3-…

Reddit Travel 1.1k 2024-03-11

What’s the dumbest thing you did while traveling where things went fine anyway?

( www.reddit.com )

What’s the dumbest thing you did while traveling where things went fine anyway? Mine is probably flying to Athens at midnight with no hotel and not knowing how the buses worked (in the pre cellphone and Internet days). Thanks to a kind airport worker, bus attendant and random tourist along the way we found a hotel we could afford and also didn’t accidentally pay over $100 to the city bus (who laughed as he pushed the money …

Reddit Travel 774 2024-01-27

The Dumbest License Plate Designs In Your State

( jalopnik.com )

The Dumbest License Plate Designs In Your State License plates just should not be this controversial, but alas, that is not the world we live in. Apparently, even small pieces of stamped metal with writing on them can elicit strong reactions from just about everyone. Who am I to judge, though? I’m guilty of it too. There are some dumbass license plate decisions out… Read more…

Jalopnik 1.0k 2023-12-24

What’s Your State’s Dumbest Looking License Plate?

( jalopnik.com )

What’s Your State’s Dumbest Looking License Plate? License plates probably aren’t something you think about all too often. At the end of the day, they’re just a functional piece of metal with numbers and letters that make sure you don’t buzz by a traffic camera too fast. Much like the cars they’re attached to, not every license plate is created equally – especially… Read more…

Jalopnik 521 2023-12-15

What’s The Dumbest Car Project You’ve Ever Seen?

( jalopnik.com )

What’s The Dumbest Car Project You’ve Ever Seen? Some projects are pretty straightforward and even common. Throwing an LS motor into your car or turning your old Harley into a chopper make sense. I don’t care about those. What I want to see are the dumbest, most ill-advised money pits you have ever seen or heard of. Read more…

Jalopnik 414 2023-11-26

What is the dumbest travel mistake you’ve made?

( www.reddit.com )

What is the dumbest travel mistake you’ve made? I had a personal alarm on my bag, one where if you pull the strap a loud alarm goes off. I got it because I’m a solo traveler and hike a lot and wanted something to set off if I twisted my ankle in the middle of the woods. I forgot about it and left it on my bag that I don’t normally check, got my bag back without it attached. I imagine the cor…

Reddit Travel 181 2023-08-08