
Use That Last Bit of Dip to Make a Salad Dressing

( lifehacker.com )

Use That Last Bit of Dip to Make a Salad Dressing It’s hard for me to throw out the final scrapings of the dips I love. I want to avoid waste, but I have a hard time letting go of luscious, umami-packed dips and spreads. Rather than let even half a spoonful of flavor go to waste, I use the near-empty tub to make a flavorful salad dressing out of my beloved dip tub… Read more…

Lifehacker 111 2023-09-04

Make Ginger Dressing With Only Three Ingredients

( lifehacker.com )

Make Ginger Dressing With Only Three Ingredients I am obsessed with ordering side salads at sushi restaurants. Not because I feel the need to keep my body running with leafy greens—because I love that damn ginger dressing. Luckily, it’s easy to make at home; you just need three ingredients and five minutes (an immersion blender helps too). Read more…

Lifehacker 175 2023-08-29

Thicken Your Salad Dressing With Cooked Egg Yolks

( lifehacker.com )

Thicken Your Salad Dressing With Cooked Egg Yolks I’m a huge fan of creamy salad dressings, but I almost never use them. The bottled stuff often has an overwhelming synthetic flavor, and a lot of homemade recipes are too mayonnaise-dominant for my taste. Fortunately, there’s a simple trick to add body and subtle richness to any liquid-y salad dressing: Add cooked egg… Read more…

Lifehacker 190 2023-07-26

LPT: Occasionally dressing up at work can help you stand out in a good way, especially when you’re interviewing for other jobs.

( www.reddit.com )

LPT: Occasionally dressing up at work can help you stand out in a good way, especially when you’re interviewing for other jobs. Occasionally dressing up at work can help you stand out in a good way, especially when you’re interviewing for other jobs. When you do have job interviews, your change in attire won’t raise eyebrows in the office. It can also remind your superiors of your potential value to other employers, which might prompt them to reevaluate your current rol…

Life Pro Tips 373 2023-07-04