
Apple Stops Signing iOS 18.2, Preventing Downgrading

( www.macrumors.com )

Apple Stops Signing iOS 18.2, Preventing Downgrading Apple today stopped signing iOS 18.2, which means that iPhone users who have upgraded to iOS 18.2.1 can no longer downgrade to iOS 18.2. Apple released iOS 18.2.1 earlier in January. When new versions of iOS are released, Apple typically stops signing the prior version after a week or two. An update that is not signed is not able to be installe…

Mac Rumors 910 2025-01-14

Apple Stops Signing iOS 18.1.1, Downgrading No Longer an Option

( www.macrumors.com )

Apple Stops Signing iOS 18.1.1, Downgrading No Longer an Option Apple has stopped signing iOS 18.1.1, preventing iPhone users who have upgraded to iOS 18.2 from downgrading to that version of iOS. Apple released iOS 18.2 a week ago on December 11. Apple often stops signing an older version of iOS, usually within a week or two after a new version is released. When an update is no longer signed, it can’t be i…

Mac Rumors 945 2024-12-20

Worth downgrading my car?

( www.reddit.com )

Worth downgrading my car? Currently have a 2020 Honda Fit with like 40k miles on it. I did all the maintenance myself so I know it is up to date with fluid changes and the like. Moving to a dense city soon, and parking is really expensive but I do need a car. Monthly income post-tax will be $10k a month or so. It’ll be my first job so I don’t have much experience budget…

Reddit Personal Finance 873 2024-07-03

Downgrading an iPhone to iOS 17.0.3 is No Longer Possible

( www.macrumors.com )

Downgrading an iPhone to iOS 17.0.3 is No Longer Possible Apple has stopped signing iOS 17.0.3, preventing iPhone users from downgrading to that version. However, Apple continues to sign iOS 17.0.2 for now. Apple routinely stops signing older iOS releases over time in order to prevent users from downgrading to previous software versions. iOS 17.1 is currently the newest version available to the publi…

Mac Rumors 969 2024-02-08