
Technically – what does the EV dial do?

( www.reddit.com )

Technically – what does the EV dial do? I understand it makes the image brighter or darker. But if I lower it, is it doing the same thing behind the scenes as highlight weighted metering does to make sure the highlights don’t clip? Or does highlight weighted metering work in a different way technically? I’m asking because I’m moving from a camera with highlight weighted metering to on…

Ask Photography 1.0k 2024-12-15

Pentax ES ii- Should the ISO dial affect its shutter speed?

( www.reddit.com )

Pentax ES ii- Should the ISO dial affect its shutter speed? https://preview.redd.it/z4jf6atu182e1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b1f0732372f4a7438557623172eac7e2b76cc42 https://preview.redd.it/l9wlratu182e1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a44316042f47f14d4e285719bbd1099e2371dc8 Based on my experience, in automatic mode the camera seems to assume the film’s ISO is 100, regardless of the ISO …

Ask Photography 507 2024-11-22

What should I do about my Canon R6 faulty main top dial ?

( www.reddit.com )

What should I do about my Canon R6 faulty main top dial ? My Canon R6 is 3 years old. Recently, the main dial at the top (the one you use with the index finger and control the main settings, e.g. Aperture in Av and Exposure time in Tv) started to skip. Some clicks will register and some won’t. I don’t see an apparent pattern in which will work and which not. I’ve put some contact cleaner spray in it w…

Ask Photography 760 2024-07-10

BEGINNER: best dial mode for recording myself, hands off?

( www.reddit.com )

BEGINNER: best dial mode for recording myself, hands off? Absolute beginner here with a Nikon D3300. I want to record a video of myself gardening. I’ll mostly have full, direct sunlight. I’ll be moving around but not quickly. I’ll be moving and out, 10 – 15 ft from the camera. Sound isn’t important. Would Auto mode be best? Or Portrait? (or does the mode not matter at all when the camera is recording v…

Ask Photography 230 2023-08-24

7d Mark II top dial question

( www.reddit.com )

7d Mark II top dial question I have just picked up a used 7d mark ii in really nice condition, however I have a very odd problem which I’m not sure if its operator error or the top dial is faulty…. Top dial appears to work fine and I can use it to change through the menus, ISO speed, etc. Basically it does everything apart from change the aperture! If I use the Q button, …

Ask Photography 146 2023-07-30

Stop Looking at the Stupid Little Dial Thermometer on Your Grill

( lifehacker.com )

Stop Looking at the Stupid Little Dial Thermometer on Your Grill With one big, notable exception, I am a woman of few enemies…But I also hate the stupid dial thermometers you find at the top of so many charcoal and gas grills, and I get disproportionately miffed when respected food publications sanction their use. I would make them illegal if I had any legislative power, but I… Read more…

Lifehacker 175 2023-07-10