
Blood Could Be Key Ingredient For Concrete On Mars

( jalopnik.com )

Blood Could Be Key Ingredient For Concrete On Mars It’s conceivable that a future American President will address the nation from the Oval Office on the day NASA successfully lands astronauts on Mars. They will likely praise the blood, sweat and tears it took to travel 140 million miles to the Martian surface. However, those same bodily fluids could be vital building… Read more…

Jalopnik 910 2024-12-28

Finishing options for concrete expansion joints

( www.reddit.com )

Finishing options for concrete expansion joints We have a concrete slab basement with fairly large ~1/2″ expansion joints. They were cut irregularly in some places. I’m curious what we could do to make them look better — i.e. more intentional. Our aesthetic is modern / industrial so we aren’t looking to hide them necessarily. Just make them look nicer. Two ideas we had are (1) filling them …

Reddit Interior Design 467 2024-04-05

Microsoft is testing low-carbon concrete for its data centers

( www.theverge.com )

Microsoft is testing low-carbon concrete for its data centers A worker smooths a sample of concrete mix in a canister that contains materials to lower the overall embodied carbon in concrete. | Image: Dan DeLong for MicrosoftTo clean up some of the pollution stemming from its supply chain and data centers, Microsoft is experimenting with new kinds of concrete. Cement, a key ingredient in concrete, happen…

The Verge 719 2023-11-09

Your Concrete Project Needs Cement Paint

( lifehacker.com )

Your Concrete Project Needs Cement Paint Concrete is amazing. All you have to do is look at ancient Roman ruins to realize how durable, flexible, and strong concrete can be as a building material. This can lead to the occasional moment of mental dissonance, however, when your outdoor steps are crumbling into dust while the 2,000-year-old Pantheon in Rome… Read more…

Lifehacker 149 2023-08-18