
Massive Meat Spill Clogged One Of Oakland’s Arterial Roads

( jalopnik.com )

Massive Meat Spill Clogged One Of Oakland’s Arterial Roads A truck spilled its load of raw chicken and beef all across Interstate 880 in Oakland, California, causing several meat-induced spin-outs last Friday afternoon around 5 p.m.. The meat spill happened close to the Oakland Coliseum where country singer Zach Bryan was performing that night, hamstringing travel for… Read more…

Jalopnik 1.0k 2024-06-04

LPT : If your nose is clogged up, here’s what you can do to get instant relief without any nose drops

( www.reddit.com )

LPT : If your nose is clogged up, here’s what you can do to get instant relief without any nose drops Get up and start some intense physical activity for 1 minute. Like running or sit ups push ups anything. You will see results within 1 minute. Note : this is a temporary fix but it will come really handy at times. submitted by /u/Broad_Excitement_265

Life Pro Tips 899 2024-03-21