
LPT: If you burp a lot stop chewing gum and sucking on hard candy

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LPT: If you burp a lot stop chewing gum and sucking on hard candy I’ve had horrid bouts of belching and not just after meals. It got so bad I got paranoid about my health. Till I did some searching and discovered that chewing gum can cause you to swallow air. The biggest surprise was that sucking on hard candy – a habit I started, just to limit my sugar intake – causes you to swallow air too. Obviously avoid …

Life Pro Tips 627 2024-12-13

LPT: Got an earworm (song stuck in your head)? Try chewing gum!

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LPT: Got an earworm (song stuck in your head)? Try chewing gum! When your “hear” a song in your head, you subvocalize (tiny movements of parts of your mouth you use when you actually sing). Chewing gum or even making the chewing motion, will disrupt this and will kill the song replay, too. submitted by /u/Hlevinger

Life Pro Tips 1.3k 2024-01-08

LPT:When chewing gum, keep it a secret.

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LPT:When chewing gum, keep it a secret. Please, nobody, absolutely nobody wants to see or hear your gum chewing. The number of grown people chomping and snapping their gum in public is just gross. All I can think of is the Oompa Loompas singing about Violet “Gum chewing’s fine when it’s once in a while It stops you from smoking and brightens your smile But it’s repulsive, revolting, a…

Life Pro Tips 800 2023-10-16

LPT: Need to remove chewing gum from upholstery / car seats / clothing? Freeze it with ice spray from the pharmacy and scrape it off with a knife.

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LPT: Need to remove chewing gum from upholstery / car seats / clothing? Freeze it with ice spray from the pharmacy and scrape it off with a knife. I was sceptical, but I just tried this with a large piece of chewing gum that I had butt-pressed into the sofa for an hour. It’s gone entirely. submitted by /u/iloveuranus

Life Pro Tips 133 2023-08-23