
Sensory Isolation Chamber

( elsaelsa.com )

Sensory Isolation Chamber “The smartphone is a handheld version of a sensory isolation chamber.” @UndergroundAeon This seems utterly accurate to me. It explains the widespread social anxiety, people live with today. I feel we’ve lost a good deal of our humanity to this. How can you not? Primary relationship is with a device. What kills me, is that Source

Elsa Elsa 1.2k 2024-07-04

Biden Blamed For UAW Strike By Chamber Of Commerce

( jalopnik.com )

Biden Blamed For UAW Strike By Chamber Of Commerce The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, one of the nation’s most prominent business groups, has decided to blame President Joe Biden directly for the United Auto Workers’ strike, according to Politico. Unsurprisingly, the prominent business group decided it is not the fault of the companies workers are on strike against. Read more…

Jalopnik 130 2023-10-11