Valaisan chalet in Switzerland (OC)
Valaisan chalet in Switzerland (OC) submitted by /u/upendium
Valaisan chalet in Switzerland (OC) submitted by /u/upendium
The dining room in our chalet in the woods of Minnesota. submitted by /u/Pinkpurplegreentea
Coffee chalet just west of Stevens Pass in Washington. ☕️ 🏔 submitted by /u/Desperate-Gas7699
Rustic Gold Chalet Plastic Hanging Bird Feeder $4. Reg $16. F/S from Home Depot. Home Depot has *Perky-Pet Plastic Chalet Bird Feeder* (Rustic Gold or Antique Silver) on sale for *$3.99*. *Shipping is free*, or select free store pickup where stock permits. Thanks to Community…