
[OC] i made Shiba Inu brioche tangzhong doughnuts/berliner with vanilla custard + bonne maman strawberry jam.

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i made Shiba Inu brioche tangzhong doughnuts/berliner with vanilla custard + bonne maman strawberry jam. I tempered the chocolate using callebaut chocolate chips but only the faces are not tempered so well. I messed it up 😳 i am pretty proud with the orange + white haha i always find tempering chocolate so difficult. The doughnuts really soft, my family really enjoyed it 💛✨ submitted by /u/pinkastrogrill

Food Porn 900 2023-12-14

In Italy, there’s this snack called “pangoccioli”, it’s a soft brioche bun with chocolate chips, I figured I should try recreating it by adding chocolate to Joshua Weissman’s multipurpose dough recipe

( www.reddit.com )

In Italy, there’s this snack called “pangoccioli”, it’s a soft brioche bun with chocolate chips, I figured I should try recreating it by adding chocolate to Joshua Weissman’s multipurpose dough recipe submitted by /u/Theresa-Apocalypse

Food Porn 130 2023-07-22

My wife baked her first Brioche feuilletée.

( www.reddit.com )

My wife baked her first Brioche feuilletée. A week ago we went to the market in Thoiry (France) and discovered how good Brioche feuilletée is. Today my wife made it and this is the result. I am so incredibly proud of her ❤️. submitted by /u/JoyLove7

Food Porn 221 2023-07-12