
Dbrand’s brash social media schtick just cost the company $10,000

( www.theverge.com )

Dbrand’s brash social media schtick just cost the company $10,000 Image: DbrandDbrand, the phone case company known for its sassy attitude toward users and tech companies, gave $10,000 to a customer as an apology after it made a racist comment about their last name. On Tuesday, Dbrand reposted a complaint from a customer, Bhuwan Chitransh, who said that the skin they purchased for their MacBook changed color …

The Verge 501 2024-04-26

Weekend Love Forecast – Are We Brave Or Brash?

( www.elsaelsa.com )

Weekend Love Forecast – Are We Brave Or Brash? All weekend long, newly direct Venus in Leo heads into square with retro Jupiter in Taurus (Venus-ruled). Venus moves in close conjunction to Juno all weekend as well, exact late Saturday night. The special relationship of Juno and Jupiter raises … Read More…

Elsa Elsa 164 2023-09-25