
Is there a TV series finale that makes you choke up every time you watch it? For me it’s easily Boy Meets World. When they all tell Feeney how much he meant to them and he waits until they leave to drop the tough guy act and finally admits to loving them I crack right there and then.

( www.reddit.com )

Is there a TV series finale that makes you choke up every time you watch it? For me it’s easily Boy Meets World. When they all tell Feeney how much he meant to them and he waits until they leave to drop the tough guy act and finally admits to loving them I crack right there and then. I didn’t get to watch the original airing of Boy Meets World, but the re-runs on Disney made it my favorite show as a kid and I remember distinctly finally getting all the season and watching them from beginning to end and I got to the final episode and man that ending for someone who went on that journey with the characters from the ups and the…

Reddit Television 153 2023-08-05

(Podcast) Clockwise 512: A Chonky Boy

( sixcolors.com )

(Podcast) Clockwise 512: A Chonky Boy The sites, apps, and services we use for research; how our university tech setups influenced our lives; the navigation apps we use; and our favorite features from Apple’s OS betas.…

Six Colors 191 2023-07-20

An Actual Boy Genius Finds Out About the Band boygenius

( www.mcsweeneys.net )

An Actual Boy Genius Finds Out About the Band boygenius I’ll be the first to admit music is not my strong suit. Of course, I did master the violin by age three, wrote my first opera at four, and was performing Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen as a soloist with the Vienna Philharmonic in kindergarten—but those were the simpler days of my youth. Now I’m nine years old and building experimental AI milit…

McSweenys 220 2023-07-19