
Is it normal that my blurred background looks like this?

( www.reddit.com )

Is it normal that my blurred background looks like this? I noticed that at f2.8 the background looks like has some micro shaking, while the subjects are perfectly fine. Considered that is shot at 1/3600 I would exclude that. Here is a crop for reference, at 200 ISO, 50mm, 1/3600sec – Lumix LX-100 Never mind the yellowish tone. ​ https://preview.redd.it/bx3bovpdz9tc1.png?width=1636&format=png&auto=webp…

Ask Photography 756 2024-04-18

Any way to get rid of blurred corners with iPhone camera?

( www.reddit.com )

Any way to get rid of blurred corners with iPhone camera? I do a lot of 3D modeling and have recently ventured into making my own textures and materials for my models but I don’t have a DSLR so I’ve resorted to using my iPhone 15 camera until I can afford one. However, I’ve noticed that whenever I take photos, the center is crystal clear while the corners and edges are blurry. I can remove the blur in …

Ask Photography 926 2024-01-31

What to charge for professional work? (With a couple reference photos, eyes blurred for privacy)

( www.reddit.com )

What to charge for professional work? (With a couple reference photos, eyes blurred for privacy) I want to start charging for my portraits, and I’m pretty new to the photography scene in all honesty (like a little over a year). I feel like my portraits are good enough to charge for, but I don’t know how to judge a fair rate for my photos. I already do professional product shoots for a company that makes survival gear in exchange for free ge…

Ask Photography 207 2023-07-18