Keto Diet & Gut Bacteria w/ David Perlmutter, MD [42:37]
Keto Diet & Gut Bacteria w/ David Perlmutter, MD submitted by /u/darkcatpirate
Keto Diet & Gut Bacteria w/ David Perlmutter, MD submitted by /u/darkcatpirate
Bacteria Found in Tom’s of Maine Toothpaste, Inspectors Say The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning letter, but not a recall, after microorganisms were found in water samples and finished toothpaste products.
LPT: Try eating pineapple if you have a soar throat. It contains bromelain, which loosen mucus and digest bad bacteria. submitted by /u/Master-Job4846
Flesh-Eating Bacteria at the Beach? What You Need to Know. Infections with Vibrio vulnificus are rare, especially in the Northeast. But a few recent cases suggest that precautions are wise for some wading into the water.