The nook of my cozy secret attic workspace, Copenhagen Denmark
The nook of my cozy secret attic workspace, Copenhagen Denmark submitted by /u/r37n1w
The nook of my cozy secret attic workspace, Copenhagen Denmark submitted by /u/r37n1w
My Attic Bedroom,with 3dormers submitted by /u/Storm-60
After many requests here’s some more info about my secret old attic workspace submitted by /u/r37n1w
My house attic for Christmas. submitted by /u/Sad-Fault-928
Update: My secret old attic workspace in Copenhagen, Denmark submitted by /u/r37n1w
A Reading Corner in the Attic submitted by /u/CJK-2020
My half finished attic mancave submitted by /u/goodfella4600
Snuggly attic bedroom (with cats) submitted by /u/zaphodbeeblebrox_III
My tiny bed in my tiny attic room submitted by /u/2confrontornot
Before & After of our attic space, now a cozy bedroom/bathroom. submitted by /u/jeremyjava
My cozy attic office/TV room submitted by /u/TalesOfFan
Cosy attic bedroom at Cragside in Northumberland, UK submitted by /u/RebelleScum
Attic bathroom with an angled tiled shower in a Colonial house renovation, Connecticut. By Rehabitat Interiors. submitted by /u/ManiaforBeatles
guest room desk in the attic turned second floor of our 1923 cottage. submitted by /u/bunkerbash
My attic conversion is now complete submitted by /u/Ihatemintsauce
Traditionals and Attic Let me know how it turned out submitted by /u/U-S-Aniruddha