
Can Adobe Bridge be used to structure loads of photographic archives into folders?

( www.reddit.com )

Can Adobe Bridge be used to structure loads of photographic archives into folders? Situation: I have been photographing for 25+ years now. Both commercial work as private work. My paid work is decent structured and backuped but my private work is partly a mess. The partly part is it is structured in years, subfolders for the most but a large part also is in folders like 2018_Q1_tobesorted etc. And to make things worse sometime…

Ask Photography 494 2024-06-11

Your Gmail Archives Should Be More Organized

( lifehacker.com )

Your Gmail Archives Should Be More Organized The concept of declaring inbox “bankruptcy” isn’t new. The act of simply deleting or archiving all your old emails and starting fresh has been a welcome one for many of us for years. Personally, I advocate for archiving, never deleting, but even doing that can make a bit of a mess—you’ll have to sort through all your… Read more…

Lifehacker 443 2023-12-06

Why don’t PBS Stations keep the shows in their archives?

( www.reddit.com )

Why don’t PBS Stations keep the shows in their archives? Hey everyone, I’ve just been wondering lately on why PBS Stations don’t keep older shows in their archives. It’s because Lomax, The Hound of Music’s third episode will never get found and will remain lost forever unless someone still has a recording, but it’s going to be very difficult to find out who. Every PBS station I’ve contacted said they …

Reddit Television 1.2k 2023-11-28