
LPT the knowledge you have acquired might be biased or wrong; be open to counter arguments, analyse them and use them to fine insight or strengthen your conviction rationally

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LPT the knowledge you have acquired might be biased or wrong; be open to counter arguments, analyse them and use them to fine insight or strengthen your conviction rationally Most of us grew up with the views of our parents, teachers, friends, and the general community. That doesn’t mean those views are correct. Just like the black swan, it only takes an observation,, or strong argument to rattle those convictions. Don’t deny them or become defensive. Accept any rational argument and consider it, work it into your un…

Life Pro Tips 1.2k 2024-05-28

Youtube channels that breakdown and analyse popular music?

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Youtube channels that breakdown and analyse popular music? Looking for some recommendations for Youtube channels that break down artists’ music, or individual songs, and talk about the composition, cool things hidden in the instrumentation, different voice techniques, etc. Ones that do rock bands are ideal but pop and stuff is fine too. Basically just looking for videos offering a deeper understanding o…

Reddit Music 1.2k 2024-03-03

I create Shopee (Ecommerce site ) data scrapper to help you extract and analyse Shopee data

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I create Shopee (Ecommerce site ) data scrapper to help you extract and analyse Shopee data I hope this is allowed here, but i just made a Shopee scrapper extension to help you extract Shopee data. I thought it would be useful for dropshiping/ecommerce business, it is still early releases and feature is limited but i will continuously update the extension, feedback are very appreciated and its completely free. In case some of you may n…

Reddit ecommerce 1.1k 2024-01-30

LPT When you talk about a negative experience, do not simply recount it – it’ll make you feel worse. Instead, aim to reconstruct what happened – e.g. analyse and reflect to make sense of situation, so you can get closure and move on (more in the post)

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LPT When you talk about a negative experience, do not simply recount it – it’ll make you feel worse. Instead, aim to reconstruct what happened – e.g. analyse and reflect to make sense of situation, so you can get closure and move on (more in the post) We’re often told that talking helps. But most of us do it the wrong way, which can actually make things worse and reinforce your negative feelings. What matters is how you talk about upsetting events – do you recount or do you reconstruct? Here’s the difference: To recount is to share what happened and how it made and makes you feel. To reconstr…

Life Pro Tips 178 2023-07-07